
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and our scripture is Matthew 21:1-11.

Jesus comes into Jerusalem riding on not one but TWO animals!  A donkey and her colt. The disciples are in the processional and a crowd of people are throwing their clothes and palm branches on the road to pave the way for Jesus.  And they are crying: “Hosanna!”  What does “hosanna” mean?

Roughly, hosanna means one of several things: Save, rescue, or savior.  Unfortunately, the people’s idea of save, rescue, and savior are drastically different than the Savior Jesus was and is.  The crowd expected a king to ride in on a horse, with an army, and take out the Roman Empire.  Instead, Jesus is a humble king, riding on a donkey and her colt, and surrounded by an odd bunch of disciples.  One of whom is a terrible treasurer and a worse friend.  One would expect Jesus to ascend to the throne in Jerusalem to make it great again and the envy of nations.  Yet, Jesus’ only throne in his earthly ministry would be the cross he would ascend five days later.

Perhaps through Jesus’ example of humility and gentleness is the kind of example we need today.  Especially now.  For so long, we as a society have become comfortable ignoring, or worse, stripping the humanity off of people, we need a gentle and humble Savior to rescue us from such godless practices.  Perhaps during this time of crisis, we can look to Jesus’ arrival on Palm Sunday as an unexpected Savior coming in the most unlikely way: In humility and gentleness.

As we venture forth into Holy Week, let us remember that our humble Savior walks with us every step of the way.  We are not alone.  Thanks be to God!

Siblings in Christ, may this be Good News to you!

Christ’s Peace,

Pastor T. Wes Moore

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