This Sunday’s passage is found in Revelation 5:1-14. Remember, John is encouraging the 1st century Christians in Rome. They are facing challenges as they do not worship Caesar, but Jesus Christ. And John is a prisoner on the island of Patmos.
This text is part of another Spirit-induced trance. His vision describes a scroll. And no one in is found worthy to open the scroll that provides insight over humanity’s ultimate destiny and John is weeping over it! He’s despairing. Suddenly, one of the elders assures him: “Don’t weep! There is someone worthy to open the scroll and look inside it.”
The only one worthy to open the scroll is, of course, the Lamb. The Lamb who was slaughtered, as sung in the hymn in Revelation 5. Jesus Christ, the Lamb who was slain is the only one who can change human destiny! That power does not rest in any mere human, evil spiritual force, or the wicked Roman Empire!
And that, beloved in Christ, is John’s encouraging words for the 1st century Christians and these words comfort us! No one, no matter how much “power” they seem to hold, cannot control humanity. That bold statement, as sung by the millions and millions of creatures in Revelation 5:9-14, slaps the evil physical and spiritual forces right in the face.
May you be encouraged and may this bring you some Good News!
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor T. Wes