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This Sunday, we are in 2 Kings 2:1-14 and Luke 9:51-62.

The mantle is about to be passed from Elijah to Elisha in 2 Kings.  In Luke 9, three people encounter Jesus and, well, he tells them like it is!  In both passages, there’s denial.

Elisha doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that his beloved mentor is about to be taken to heaven.  Two times, other people tell the new prophet what’s up and Elisha says “Yes, I know!  I don’t want to talk about it right now!”  But, toward the end of the story, he asks for two times the spirit of Elijah in order for him to faithfully continue his call.

Jesus tells the three people in Luke that following him will be costly:  No earthly security, choosing Jesus over family and friends, and not dwelling on the past.  They couldn’t quite believe him.

Yet, God gives us the faith we need to continue (or even start!) the ministries to which we have been called.  Like Elisha, the LORD pours out the Spirit on us and on our ministries.

Kindred in Christ, may these words encourage you and bring you Good News!

Pastor T. Wes Moore

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