The Lenten Journey: Part 3

dry cracked earthWell, here we are approaching the middle of Lent.  And continuing with the food and drink motif, this Sunday’s passages of Psalm 63:1-8 and Isaiah 55:1-9 are the focus.

The background of Psalm 63 is of David in the desert.  God, he says, is who his whole being desires.  But, his body is worn and thirsty like a dry land.  And yet, David brings to mind that God has not abandoned him nor will he abandon him.  Think of this as David remembering God’s covenant with him.  It is in the LORD, David says, can one be truly satisfied, even if a person has everything else in the world.
In Isaiah 55, we are in the aftermath of the destruction of Judah.  The Prophet invites all who are thirsty to “come to the water”.  Do you have money?  That doesn’t matter!  Come and get your fill of “wine and milk”!  We are instructed to listen carefully to God and to eat what God provides.  Furthermore, Isaiah 55:3 reminds us of God’s covenant with David!  With Isaiah 55 paired with Psalm 63, this is a not-so-subtle reminder that God is indeed faithful, merciful, and abounding in love!
These passages remind us that it can be easy to dwell on the heartache we face.  And the heartache is real, no doubt!  But, God promises to walk with us in times of plenty and scarcity.  Joy and sadness.  Calm and chaos.  Both Isaiah 55 and Psalm 63 direct our attention to the covenant that God has kept and will continue to keep in the days ahead even when life seems to be overwhelming.
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor T. Wes
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