“A Voice Cries Out”

For this Sunday, we will be in John 1:6-8, 19-28.

John has no title.  John is not given the title “John the Baptist” or “John the Baptizer”.  He is simply John.  And John has one purpose:  To testify to the Light.

In verse twenty, after being asked by the religious leaders if he was the Christ, John didn’t simply deny that he was the Christ.  John CONFESSES he’s NOT the Christ.  That takes courage.

I think it’s easier to simply deny.  But, to confess takes more courage!  John, who was successful in his ministry across the Jordan in Bethany where priests and Levites came because they noticed there was something special about him, could have merely denied.  Instead, he confesses he’s NOT the Christ.  And in that confession, he continues that he is a voice in the wilderness who proclaims that the LORD, who is standing among them who they don’t even recognize, is about to arrive on the scene.  John proudly proclaims that he is pointing to the Light, Life, Word, and Way who is Jesus Christ.

As we continue on into the Advent Season, let us be mindful of John’s courage.  Let us continue to live our lives pointing to Jesus Christ who is the Light, Life, Word, and Way for the world.

Beloved, believe this Good News!


Pastor T. Wes

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