This Sunday, we will be in Jeremiah 2:1-13.
God had a difficult call for the Prophet Jeremiah to the people of Judah. It is the final years of the southern kingdom’s existence before their fall to the Babylonians in 587 BCE. God is giving the people every chance to turn from their ways and follow the LORD. Yet, the words Jeremiah is preaching to the people are rejected.
In Jeremiah’s oracle (a speech given to him from God) to the people, there is a brief history lesson of how the people were at one time faithful to God. Think of it like a blissful honeymoon. Yet, the people wandered. The people who were brought into a land of plenty have defiled it and have disgraced God. Ultimately, God has to step in, act with urgency, and call the people back.
Jeremiah’s ministry lasted through five kings and one Babylonian governor. He had a hard job and he knew that. Yet, God promised him protection in the midst of chaos.
There are people today, like the Prophet Jeremiah, who have been called by God to proclaim the Good News of repentance and reconciliation. Repent of the harm we have done to each other and creation. Reconcile with each other and creation. Let us listen to the Good News that we may easily dismiss as background noise.
Let us pray for strength and courage from the Holy Spirit to listen to the words of our modern day prophets so that the Good News of God’s compassion and love are made known throughout this hurting world.
Christ’s Peace,
Pastor T. Wes