“The Lamb of God”

Our scriptures for this Sunday are Isaiah 49:1-7 and John 1:29-42.  

In Isaiah, the servant acknowledges that the LORD knows them intimately.  The LORD knew them before they were created, knew them in the womb, and knows them know.  God is described as a protector of that servant and the source of their strength.  Yet, the servant recognizes their weakness and only God can get them through times they are weary.

In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist points to Jesus and says “Look!  The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”  Some of John’s disciples, including Andrew and Peter, follow Jesus.  John the Baptist is not upset with this as he recognizes his ministry is coming to an end and Jesus’ ministry is beginning.  Moreover, John points to Jesus as being the ultimate Servant of servants, the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, the one who takes away the sin of the world.

In both passages, there are renewals of call.  The servant’s call is renewed around verse 4 in Isaiah 49.  The disciples of John renew their commitment to become Jesus’ disciples.  In both instances, we can acknowledge that while our ministries will change, the LORD is constant and is the source of our strength, even when times are uncertain.

Christ’s Peace,

Pastor T. Wes Moore

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