The Lenten Journey: Part 5

This Sunday's readings are Isaiah 43:16-21 and Psalm 126. In the aftermath of destruction and exile, the LORD speaks through the Prophet Isaiah to the people. The Israelites are reminded that they were delivered from the Egyptians. Yet! They are not to dwell on the past, but look around!!!!! Look! The LORD is doing a new thing!

In Psalm 126, it's as if the psalmist is in a dream! Oh that Zion's circumstances were changed for the better. Joyful shouts and laughter! Yet, the author of this psalm pleads with God to change Zion's circumstances! May the rivers be full and may there be joyful shouts!

God has been at work, God is working, and God will continue to work. The LORD is doing a new thing in ways we cannot fathom!