Perfectly Pointless

Our scripture readings for this Sunday can be found here.

The author of Ecclesiastes writes about worrying.  Worrying about his legacy, worrying about his hard work falling into someone else’s hands after he dies, and worrying about who is worthy to take over the work.

In his parable from Luke, Jesus talks about a rich man who had everything, except big enough barns to store his crops.  He builds his barns and he thinks he can coast through life and enjoy it to the fullest.  “Not so”, says God!  Those who have much, but don’t have riches toward God, truly have nothing.

In both passages, whether it’s the worrying of one’s hard work and legacy or worrying about accumulating (and hoarding!) stuff, it’s perfectly pointless!  It’s all pointless.

Wringing one’s hands and worrying who is worthy to take the mantle, Solomon says “It’s pointless.”  Never sharing ones resources of money, time, and talent, Jesus gives us a warning because it’s pointless.

God has given us the responsibility of being stewards of so much!  Stewards (caretakers) of resources that do not come from our own work, but from the hand of God.  And it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we share the resources we have with each other.

Friends, this is indeed Good News!

Christ’s Peace,

Pastor T. Wes Moore


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