Love Kindness

Micah 6:1-16 is our scripture for this Sunday.

This passage takes place in a courtroom.  God is laying out the case against the people of Israel.  The hills, mountains, and the eternal foundations of the earth are witnesses to this lawsuit.

What has happened?  God’s chosen people have forgotten what the LORD did for them in the past:  Delivered them from Egypt, protecting them from the Moabite king, and bringing them safely across the Jordan River to claim their new home.

God’s holy people have forgotten how to act!  They have replaced God for greed.  They have replaced the LORD with lust.  They have replaced the God of Truth with lies.  They have replaced the God of Peace with violence.

And yet, over and over, God instructed the people how to act, as Micah 6:6-8 informs us.  It doesn’t matter how big our gifts of sacrifices are.  If we don’t completely give ourselves to the LORD who is the Giver of Life, then the gifts are meaningless.  Yet, over and over again throughout the Bible and reiterated in Micah 6:8:  God has already told us what is good.  What is good?  Do justice for all people regardless of differences, embrace a faithful love that does not give into hate, and walk humbly with our God who is our hope, help, and protection.

Friends in Christ, believe this Good News!

Pastor T. Wes Moore

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